Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Agenda for Oct 7th meeting

In an effort to be more efficient and transparent, we at the GSO will be posting the agenda for meetings here prior to the event. Hopefully this will allow everyone to come prepared and knowledgeable regarding what we need to discuss and how much time we have to do it.

Oct. 7 Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome back, new location, and intro to Dean Richardson: James (~5 min)
  2. Dean Richardson (~10 min) ; Questions (~5 min)
  3. Discussion of budget:
  4. Intro, total budget, what was spent on BBQ, what we expect to spend on SRF, what’s left over, proposal to do budget in June: Eric (~5 min)
  5. Note on spending on alcohol, how that limits our options, and phone-a-thon possibilities: Autumn (~5 min) \
  6. Presentation of plans (~3 min each): Josh
    i. Plan A:
    1. Meetings for $2k, BBQ for $1k, three Student-Faculty mixers (snacks, beer, soda) at the Student Center for $1.3k apiece, ~$6k for SRF
    ii. Plan B:
    1. Meetings for $2k, BBQ for $1k, Ski trip for $4k, ~6k for SRF
    iii. Plan C:
    1. Meetings for $2k, BBQ for $1k, two evening Guest Speakers for $2k apiece, subsidize our members at the all-hill ski trip for $1k, ~$5k for SRF
  7. Questions, discussion of plans, vote (~10 min): James
  8. Other business (~10 min):
    a. Intro to SRF, call for volunteers: Autumn
    b. Student Health Committee report: Eric
    c. NRSA training grant will reimburse students for all incidental fees
    i. Other grants will do the same?
    d. Become a fan / follow what’s happening with the GSO:
    i. Facebook: OHSU Graduate Student Organization (GSO)
    ii. Twitter: OHSU_GSO
    e. Need one volunteer to write a couple pages, four times a year, for Grad Studies Newsletter
    i. in conjunction with someone from Allison Fryer's people

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