Wednesday, April 03, 2013

April 2013 Meeting Minutes

Student Center Update
Quiz bowl tomorrow night. Come watch. Free food and soda
4/19 Zip the therapy dog will be there.
School of nursing speed dating.
April 9 intramurals start
April 19 gym closed for school of dentistry black tie event
Book store books went online
Book store turning into a wellness center. Some pieces of cardio equipment going. No weights. Email your equipment requests. ~$20000 for the room. ~$7000 already gone into getting the room ready.
Will there be space for stretching/yoga? HE: probably
What’s the timeline: not sure. It’s a mother may I situation.
Requests for swag grad school specific send to Dan at the Book store
Monday showing the NCAA basketball game-sodas.
May 16- volunteer awards ceremony
Grad Council
New parent “accommodation” is now an “adjustment”-in addition to lots of other language. Thanks lawyers. Nothing of substance changed. 8 weeks of stipend. Applies to bio and nonbiological, mothers and fathers.
Voting next month. Every body’s still on board.
If you want to be in the running for awards. Deadline is this Friday.
Considering a cell phone during exam policy.
Research Week
Solidifying schedule
Kelly is chair of students, putting on Student day Friday 24th
Workshops, reception, keynote speaker, ugly data competition
David Robinson vice provost will say a few words.
Springer is donating ipod nano and amazon gift cards for raffling off at random times during each student session.
Sorting abstracts soon. Programming should be done soon.
Spring BBQ 2013 (2012 BBQs: 9/22/2012, 6/8/2012)
This spring June 7th 
Idea for extra money from all hill student council is?
                Student sing? Karaoke? Don’t need more people.
                Live music? Need to know how much money they would give.
                Food add on?
                Talk about it later.
Bowling night
Cristina will send email asking ppl to let her know if they want to come so she can keep a running tally so there are enough lanes
Got a Photo volunteer
Budget update
Discrepancy in Rick’s manual calculation and the projection. We may have way more $10-20k
Think about if we purchase something
Central finances have put activity fee in tuition so it doesn’t go directly go to us anymore.
West campus pub night
                We had one. Good turn out.
Career development
NGP director and George Mejicano have a priority to help with students with non academic career development.
They had a meeting. Course going forward.
Office doesn’t exist yet. What is feasibility? What will it do? Where will it get money?
Is there a need? Yes.
Need to link outside and students.
What is already available? Little pieces in place in several places.
Meet again in a month and a half.
Derek thinks there will be an office. Doesn’t know how soon.
Tax workshop assessment
Main things to come out: probably good to use tax software. Unless your situation is really complex, don’t hire anyone. Don’t file your 1098-T unless you pay your own tuition. OHSU does not intend you to file it.
Deductions: One major thing. The housing deduction. If you are not on a scholarhip on your own (eg NSF fellowship) don’t take the Oregon housing deduction. Other students have been audited for it. You would need letters from department heads etc to try to convince Oregon that you are on a scholarship just for taking a stipend.
We need to consult with people concerning international students. Each country is different.

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