Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Graduate Student Organization Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2014
12pm, BRB381
1.    Summary of Fall BBQ            :  about 700 people, huge success!   
2.    Women In Science (WIS) Update
a.    Semi-annual mixer/happy hour cosponsored by Women in Academic Medicine Faculty.
                                          i.    Tuesday, Nov 11th from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at the Lucky Lab in SE Portland (915 SE Hawthorne).
                                         ii.    Funding Request: WIS “Mixer”/HH, $50 for appetizers -- APPROVED       
b.    Inter-institutional career development program with OHSU, Reed, L&C, PSU PhD students and post-docs
                                          i.    Talk to Kayly Lembke (Lembke@ohsu.edu) for more information
3.    Research in Progress Seminar Series (RIPSS) introduction by Abby Dotson
a.    RIPSS is an organization run by postdoctoral researchers that serves to enhance the postdoctoral experience at OHSU. We will provide space to receive constructive scientific feedback, and well as networking opportunities and career transition seminars. While this group is geared toward postdoctoral researchers, we encourage clinical fellows and senior graduate students to participate as we will cover a wide variety of topics relevant to all researchers. 
b.    9am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
c.    We have scheduled several great speakers for the fall semester (please view the attached list) and ask that people please click on the following link to sign up for presentations for the spring semesterhttps://doodle.com/mfi6yw6he8x6kiqe
d.    Contact Abby for more information: dotsoab@ohsu.edu
4.    All-Hill Update
a.    OHSU student group Blazer night: Friday November 21, Blazers vs. Bulls
                                          i.    Students get discounted tickets
                                         ii.    Visit trailblazers.com/ohsustudent, password: OHSUNIGHT
b.    All-hill Ski Trip happening January 16-17 (MLK weekend)
                                          i.    $65/ students, $85/ guests
                                         ii.    Need a grad studies student contact person who is planning to go—Volunteers? Contact GSO if you are interested or willing.
                                        iii.    Jan 31: Habitat for Humanity Volunteer day
5.    Next GSO Pub Night tentatively scheduled for December 2nd at Suki’s. Keep an eye out for announcements. Free food and beer!!!         
6.    Open Science Open house/ round table sponsored by the library to discuss the impacts of open access science.
a.    Food and Beer/wine!
b.    New date still TBD. Watch for announcements.
7.    Student Center Update          
a.    Probably going to show a Blazer Game on Wednesday November 12th at 6pm food provided, alcohol for sale.  Watch for confirmation on the Student Portal and emails.
b.    Gymnasium is closed all day on Friday, November 14th for the SOD vendor Fair, reopens Saturday 15th at 9am.
c.    No IM’s the week of Thanksgiving (24th-27th)
d.    Reduced Student Center Hrs during the week of Thanksgiving:
                                          i.    Wednesday, November 26th 6am-9pm (close one hour early)
                                         ii.    Thursday, November 27th Closed
                                        iii.    Friday, November 28th 9am-5pm
                                       iv.    Saturday, November 29th 9am-5pm
8.     Student Health Insurance update from Rick Goranflo
a.    Changes to student health insurance possibly happening next year: OHSU to eliminate student health plan
                                          i.    Graduate students that normally have their health insurance paid for will still be covered by the university (med, etc.students that got reduced insurance rates will now be covered by cover Oregon instead).
                                         ii.    SOM is finding a replacement for insurance coverage for graduate students
1.    Maybe employee health plan, but don’t want that to be taxed like income…
                                        iii.    There will not be a gap in coverage.
                                       iv.    Student Health center will not change.
b.    Changes will be decided by December.
c.    Contact Rick Goranflo for more information: goranflr@ohsu.edu
9.    Professional Development Center update by Jackie Wirz
a.    “Learning Lunch” in late November about the difference btwn a CV and a Resume. 

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