Wednesday, June 03, 2015

June 2015 GSO Meeting: Last meeting of the academic year, NEW OFFICERS!

Graduate Student Organization Meeting Agenda
June 3, 2015
12pm, BRB381

1.    Library Grant   Robin Champieux (Scholarly Communication Librarian)
a.    Recently received a grant from the National Library of Medicine: Catalyzing a community of open Science
                                          i.    $15,000 to invite 4 speakers to OHSU to talk about open science/data beginning OCT 2015
1.    Early October= open access week
2.    Need ideas of speakers
3.    Inviting students to be on a virtual working group to give feedback on events, etc.
                                         ii.    $$ to fund 1-2 students to attend OpenCon in Brussels in fall 2015
1.    Now accepting apps, email Robin ( or apply online
2.    All attendees are fully funded
2.    Library update Jackie Wirz
a.    Library is conducting “14 days of feedback”: wants feedback from students any way possible (email, in person, survey, carrier pigeon)
b.    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of finals week there will be free coffee and cookies in the library
c.    Always taking requests for things to purchase that you need: text books, journal access, etc. Let Jackie know! (
3.    Professional Development Center     Jackie Wirz
a.    Webpage to be updated
b.    This summer: lab notebook management workshop
c.    June 24-25: Free basic programming workshop
                                          i.    2 full days
                                         ii.    Need to sign up
                                        iii.    BASICS of linux and python

4.    Communication with Alison Fryer
a.    Ideas
                                          i.    Alison maybe should ask GSO directly questions and for updates on student thoughts
                                         ii.    Once a year happy hour with Alison?
b.    Grad Program Steering committee student liaison position available
                                          i.    Consult on pig picture grad studies stuff (qualifying exam, etc.) before it is heard at grad council
                                         ii.    Great experience
                                        iii.    If interested email GSO or Alison Fryer directly

5.    Spring BBQ details
a.    Friday, June 12 @ 5pm, SCHOOL OF NURSING LAWN
b.    Volunteer sign up by emailing

6.    Travel award deadline NEXT WEDNESDAY

7.    VOTING
a.    Bylaws
                                          i.    Not updated since 2010
                                         ii.    Changes to language about Student Research Forum, now Research Week
                                        iii.    Update duties for officers
                                       iv.    PASSED
b.    Officers
                                          i.    President: nominee: Kayly Lembke   PASSED
                                         ii.    Vice-President: nominee: Lilli Klug     PASSED
                                        iii.    Secretary: nominee: Courtney Betts  PASSED
                                       iv.    Treasurer: nominee: Shannon Liudahl PASSED

8.    Coffee Breaks will continue throughout the summer

9.     End of year wrap up:
a.    Successes
                                          i.    Great events, keep all
b.    Failures
                                          i.    Travel award application, criteria to be streamlined
                                         ii.    Reminder emails for monthly meetings Monday and Wednesday
                                        iii.    Event invites on FB and outlook
c.    *Send any comments to

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