Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Student/Faculty Union Survey. Monkey.

Hey there, kids. As you have probably heard, the current fitness center will soon be making its phased transition into a student/faculty union-of-sorts. This change is important because (A) it is an expensive investment paid for by faculty, students, and OHSU and (B) it will suit all of your needs as a student. Isn't that awesome?! Wait a minute...will it? Will the new student union -- after all there debate and increased incidental fees -- really justify our dollars? It is certainly possible, but in order for that to happen, we need to know what you want the student/faculty union to become. In the words of Bjork, "It's in our hands". So tell us what you want!

The survey linked below is designed to provide the student council and others with information that can be used to build something that is used and enjoyed ( vote for a pub....). No really, your honest, unbiased answers to the SIX QUESTIONS are valuable. I am on the student/faculty union committee (obviously we will need a name for it very soon. "Student/Faculty Union" just doesn't roll off the tongue) and as soon as we have the survey results and concrete information, I'll post them here.

*Again, it's only six questions.

Click here for Survey

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