Thursday, March 05, 2015

Graduate Student Organization Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2015
12pm, BRB381
1.     All-Hill update
a.     Volunteer Awards Ceremony: March 12, 5:30-7:30pm, Student Center Gym

2.     Women in Science
a.     OMSI hosted happy hour in May, more info on the FB page and at upcoming meetings

3.     Research Week
a.     ABSTRACTS due March 17,
b.    Student subcommittee asks for feedback on afternoon programing for student day, options include:
                                          i.    Faculty panel talking about challenges they faced during their careers
1.     Need interesting faculty that do not fit the typical mold
                                         ii.    Jackie Wirz giving presentation about Career Development center and how to build your CV for alterative careers
1.     Seemed to be a preference for this option
c.     Vote: GSO-hosted student breakfast during research week        
                                          i.    Amount: $200, Monday, May 4th, 9am
                                         ii.    Students, keynote speakers, and core speakers invited, Coffee and light breakfast
                                        iii.    PASSED

4.     Student center updates
a.     Pool closed for maintenance Mar30-Apr7
b.    Intermural volleyball is being discontinued, but students are upset, GSO will contact student center to express interest in keeping it

5.     Career Development  Center upcoming events
a.     Academic CV and Cover Letter Seminar, Rachel Dresbeck and Julie Rogers | Thursday, March 5th.  Noon-1pm.  RJH 5501: Bring a lunch and learn the essentials for writing an effective academic CV and cover letter.
b.    LinkedIn Profiles that Work, Jackie Wirz | Tuesday, March 17th at 12:30 in Mac Hall 2201: Have a LinkedIn Profile but don’t know how to use it?  Attend this lunch box seminar and learn how to optimize your LinkedIn Profile to maximize your awesomeness!
c.     Peer-review CV and Resume Workshop | Wednesday, March 25th.  4-6pm.  OHSU Old Library: Bring your CV or resume for a peer-review, speed-dating style workshop guided by science and career experts!  Refreshments provided!

6.     GSO travel Awards deadline: End of March
a.     Email GSO

7.     The portal needs your help!
a.    What are the things you want to be able to do when you get on the portal?
                                          i.    Search for events
                                         ii.    Comprehensive calendar
                                        iii.    Filter to find kinds of events

8.     Upcoming events         
a.     Coffee Break on March 19th at 2pm
b.    Pub night at Suki’s on Tuesday March 10, 5-7pm
c.     Bowling night Saturday, April 18
                                          i.    Those that RSVP will be given a discount, look for email

9.     Arts and Lecture Seminar Series at Velo Cult Bike Club: looking for speakers to give seminars about science
a.     Benefits science outreach to kids
b.    March 19, Monique Smith giving seminar

10.  Next Meeting: April 1st

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